
What does veela mean
What does veela mean

what does veela mean

manacled story senlinyuspeaks emoji asks asks writing manacled Trying to balance out all the internal conflict Hermione was dealing with while still spinning in a bit of misdirection and also depicting the fact there was a growing sexual tension between her and Malfoy was a lot to try to swing all at once. I was very nervous about the part where Hermione has her breakdown and attempted suicide because I knew that most readers still strongly disliked Draco and that people kind of expected me to go the Stockholm route, so I was worried that right as I was building up to the big reveal I was going to piss people off and cause them to split. 🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?

what does veela mean what does veela mean

But the plot is fairly inflexible in many regards and couldn’t really change, particularly not in the ways readers were hoping or expecting. I’ve added details and answered things that I got repeated questions about. 💁- Did readers influence change any part of this story?

What does veela mean